Corporate Engagement Opportunities
Free Arts NYC welcomes corporate partners to engage in a variety of volunteer activities throughout the year. Volunteer and Employee Engagement is a cornerstone of our programming and how we’re able to deliver individualized attention to so many youth. Each team-building and community engagement event directly contributes to fulfilling Free Arts' mission of providing high-quality arts and mentorship programs to empower creative youth across New York.
Making affirmation cards with Bonobos
Art Parties
Engage in a vibrant volunteer day that creates a lasting impact on the lives of young people in NYC. Art parties create space for team building while decorating bags, crafting affirmation cards, preparing materials, or revitalizing our art studio space. Join us in building a stronger, more connected community through the power of art.
Location: Corporate office, Free Arts NYC studio, Virtually
Capacity: Scalable, determined by location
Attendees: Employees only
Dates: Year-round
Time: 1.5–3 hours | Monday–Friday, 9am–8pm
Prepping art materials with BNP Paribas
Art Kit Packing
Spend time with your coworkers and help New York City youth have an amazing start to the school year or their holiday break! Employees pack 300+ supply kits which are then distributed to our community partner sites during Back-to-School and the Holiday Season.
Join us for a hands-on volunteer experience with your coworkers, packing 300+ supply kits to support NYC youth as they kick off the school year or head into the holiday season. These events foster connection and purpose, ensuring young people in our community receive the resources they need to thrive.
Location: Your corporate office
Capacity: Scalable, determined by location
Attendees: Employees-only
Dates: First 2 weeks of August for Back-to-School packing
Mid-November through mid-December for Holiday Art Kit packing
Time: 2 hours | Monday–Friday, 9am–8pm
“Meet & greets” that build communication skills
Free Arts Day
Energize and uplift young minds aged 6–12 with an afternoon of creativity and “mini-mentoring.” Your company's support in providing 1:1 attention through art-making sparks confidence, fuels creative expression, and contributes to the unique spirit that makes NYC so special.
Location: These events take place across NYC, some locations are contingent on the time of year:
• Community partner sites, year-round
• Corporate office, during school closures & summer break (July 4th–Sept 5th)
• Free Arts NYC Studio, between Feb 19–23 & April 22–30
Capacity: Scalable, determined by location (min 25 volunteers needed)
Attendees: Employees are paired 1:1 with children aged 6–12
Dates: Year-round
Time: 2-3 hours; varies based on time of year and day of the week.
Creative Career Day Panel Discussion with Sony Corporation of America
Creative Career Workshop
Make a lasting impact by offering unprecedented access for young people to explore diverse career paths and engage in insightful conversations with employees at your company. This unique initiative exposes young people to New York’s vibrant creative sector, helping them expand their awareness of opportunities, build social capital, and cultivate their professional development skills. Be a catalyst for success and support the next generation as they begin their professional journeys.
Location: Corporate office or Virtually
Capacity: Workshop formats are created collaboratively to align the focus and strengths of employees with the interests of youth in the program.
Attendees: Employee participation varies, with workshops typically hosting 15 to 20 teens
Time: February 19–23 & April 22–30; 2–3 hours between 11am–5:30pm
Participation: Contingent on review of our program team.
Colby & Mai interning at Maharam
Internships & Learning Pods
Champion equity in the creative industries by empowering high school and college-aged students. Free Arts partners with companies to offer 70 -80 internships annually to high school and college students. Historically, and for the vast majority of our students, their first internship is also their first paid job. Earning between $16-$20/hour, interns work between 90-200 hours and often have the chance to experience multiple internship opportunities in a single year. Enhance your brand's impact through fostering diversity and inclusion while helping us reshape the creative landscape to ensure equal opportunities for the next generation of creative professionals.
Location: Corporate office or virtually
Capacity: Internship placements vary based on availability, Learning Pods are group workshops
Time: Year-round with larger opportunities in the summer
Participation: Contingent on review of our program team.
Citi Bike bicycle giveaway
Community Engagement
We work with our corporate partners throughout the year to identify additional ways we can come together to support the needs of young people in our community. These opportunities create meaningful connections among employees and within the community by offering ways to continue to give back in support of the next generation.